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Blogs - Read Your Way to Informed Health Decisions

Cancer, a word everyone is familiar with. We all know the limited scope and devastating side effects of the treatment available. The government and NGOs are continuously organizing awareness camp, talk shows but still the cancer continuously spreading his arms to capture the world. WHY?

On the date of 29th September “The World Heart Day” is celebrated globally. WHO have decided the theme 'USE HEART FOR EVERY HEART', to celebrate this day. Here “Use Heart” means to think differently, make the right decisions, act with courage and help others to save their heart from CVDs

Lifestyle disorders have become a major cause of death worldwide. These problems do not occur suddenly in a one-day process. People suffer due to long-time ignorance of their health care. Some of the common lifestyle disorders are obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, strokes, Chronic

Showing 64 to 72 out of 74

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